Total information on how to Increase traffic using Hubpages
What is a hub? A hub is like a blog where you can write about anything on your topic of choice. You can write topic of your interest and shared it with other like minded people who will benefit from reading your article.
Hub is free and it is very easy to use. It is very easy to sign up and all it requires is your email to get sign up. You can get started by clicking on the link below.
The tools are very user friendly to make your hub more appealing by adding content, pictures, videos and links to other web pages. Hub was designed for people who are not very technical so they can simply focus on publishing the hub.
The simplicity of the hub is by adding capsules. If you need to add a new content, picture or video, you can simply add a new capsule and these capsules can easily be moved to the way you like.
HubPages has very strict rule in terms of not allowing spam, adult content and unfinished hub, as a result content publish on hub tends to get pick up quickly by Google search engine.
It is very important that you produce original article that benefit the people from reading it if you wants to keep consistent traffic coming to your hub. For each article that you post on your hub, be sure you have a link pointing your site to drive targeted traffic back to your site. Just like blog be consistent and try to make post five times a week to get consistent traffic to your hub.
After you publish a hub you can promote your hub by using blog, friends via email, discussion forum and social bookmarking sites like Digg, reddit, and StumbleUpon.
You can also make money from your hub by creating an account with Google, ebay and Amazon. Google display ad on you hub based on the relevancy of the content on your hub. You can also decide which products to list in your ebay and Amazon capsules. The key to earn commission is to write quality content that people are looking for.